Re: Having problems with IF(AND) or maybe I need IF(OR)...? Not sure.
@mccoy_FSI It definitely wouldn't work with the 2nd formula because the Limitation column isn't numbers so VALUE won't work. You'd need to use: =IF(AND(Vehicle@row="Boat", Limitation@row=&q…1 · -
Re: Add Dynamic Reference in Formula
@A Rose =IF([Sheet Number]# = "1", COUNTIFS({Sheet 1 Range 1}, Status#, {Sheet 1 Range 2}, >=[From Date Entered]#, {Sheet 1 Range 2}, <=[Until Date Entered]#, {Sheet 1 Range 3}, >=…1 · -
Re: Apply Formulas to ONLY grandchild cells in the primary column
@Ryan Holguin Then you'd use either: =IF(COUNT(ANCESTORS([Product Development]@row)) >= 3, 1, 0) or: =IF(COUNT(ANCESTORS([Product Development]@row)) = 3, 1, 0)1 · -
Re: Count how many times a row is changed to get a percentage
@Dakota Haeffner So for the percentage, what you're doing to copy it to another sheet and to count the # of times the system number shows up is fine. What do you want the percentage to be of? If it's…1 · -
Re: Struggling with formula that references status in another sheet
@cugbug I cannot see where you have your references actually going but it looks like you may have those references out of position on the formula. After INDEX( I believe you want to have the referenc…1 ·